So hubby gets off work early today much to my surprise. I had the day off :) So he comes home and says lets go to the amish stores for groceries. Took the long way. I love him so much and he spoils me. I wish there was more I can do for him. I know I can be mean to him and I feel bad when I do but the stress of the other house, working more hours(not that I want to), my mom and her depression and mood swings. And missing a lot of my favorite people. Too much grief last year. A year ago today Ryan Gabriel Pick 9/3/06-10/05/06 went to heaven. He had kidney cancer. My daddy in February, my grammy in July and a very good friend "Big Ed" Treibley in April of this year. I miss them all so much.
But that's not my intent for this post. I want to show off the photos I took on the cycle ride (yea I got groceries on hubby's cycle "I Love Him")
Unfortunately we had to leave the other house go back to the mortgage company. We tried to sell it since June. No luck :( We got our shed, dishwasher and huge microwave this week. So now they have a for sale sign on it.
But it is a relief to not have to pay mortgage, lot rent, water, sewer, huge electric bill, car payment and the rest of the utilities from that place.
But our ride was so relaxing. We rode the way back way to the amish store, took a ton of pictures, had lunch, went shopping, took a ton more pictures (96 to be exact) stopped at our cemetary, cleaned all the graves off (I just didn't have the energy to upkeep them this year~miss everyone so much) and then took the long way home and took more pictures.
Thank you my love for being such a great man~